‘Twas the Night Before Christmas (According to Cats)


‘Twas the night before Christmas

and all through the house

all the creatures were stirring.

Even the mouse!

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care

in hopes that St. Claws soon would be there.

Mom in her kerchief and I in my cap

had just settled down for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear

but a miniature sleigh

and one old horse.

All the reindeer were sick

so Santa had to rely

on one old horse

that just couldn’t fly.

When Santa was let in

through the front door,

he immediately scared

the cats on the floor.

The cats were excited

to see what they’d get

as Santa delivered the gifts

to each pet.

Having finished his work,

Santa went to the door.

He climbed in his sleigh

and started to snore.

As the horse moved on

and was soon out of sight,

Santa was dreaming about the catnip

he would have later tonight.

Hope you enjoyed this. Want to wish each one of my readers a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2017! God bless each and every one of you.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1604588667

Do Cats Forget Like I Do?


It seems that I forget things now more than I used to. I’m assured that it’s all part of aging, but that doesn’t help the frustration. Just this morning, I’m thinking to myself, “I know there were two things to do on the computer today. What was the second one?” Do any of the rest of you find yourself in that situation? Or this?

What Did I Come For

Let’s look at some cats who forgot things. The cat who forgot he was adopted.


The kitten who forgot to run fast.

Carry a Camera

The cat who forgot he shouldn’t be on the table.

Something Warm

The cat who forgot he gets stuck in the chair.

Amazing Cat

The cat who forgot she’s not a chicken.

Baby Sitting

The cat who forgot he never left!

I'm Back

The cat who forgot his license.


The cat who forgot to look cute.

There's Always That One Friend

The cat who forgot to lock the bathroom door.

Without Permission

The cat who forgot he was tired.

On Your Mark

The cat who forgot to wear matching socks.

Matching Socks

 The cat who forgot he wasn’t home.

Plop Down

 The cat who forgot who controls the red dot.

Control the Red Dot

The cat who forgot how to get in the house.


The cat who forgot where he was.

Whoopsie Daisy

I guess the answer to my questions about cats forgetting is yes. Seems like they do forget. Of course, you have to have the one exception! Here’s the cat that COULDN’T forget.

I've Seen Things

 If you have a story about your cat, please share. Always enjoy your comments!

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1604588667

Rules For the Cat (Established By the Cat)


When I was raising my two boys, there were house “rules”. They were sometimes bent and other times down right broken! However, we all survived. Now I watch them set down the “rules” for their children and watch THEIR frustration when things don’t go according to plan. Paybacks are h—, aren’t they? It occurred to me that we set “rules” for our pets, but that’s a whole other story. Especially with cats!! So, let’s explore how these “rules” work for our furry companions.

Rules For the Cat

Can you tell that we have a problem already? Cat’s are not allowed on the furniture. Guess they didn’t get the memo.

Where Have You Been

You Must Be New

Okay, so cats can be on the furniture. Just not on the counters.

Oh, I see it’s just not when you’re fixing food.

There’s an exception to every rule, isn’t there? Moving on…….the cat can go anywhere it wants? Oh, boy, we’re in big trouble now!!!!!!

What Are You Doing in There

What Are You Talking About

Made of Warm

We Know Who Controls You

Well!!!!!!! Guess that kind of sums it up, doesn’t it? Before I go, let’s take a look at this 5:30 in the morning thing.

Breakfast Time


Same Response

Now that we’ve established the rules for the cat, we can move on to other projects. (Something tells me this will be an ongoing thing. What do you think?)

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1604588667

12 Reasons Your Cat Thinks That YOU’RE WEIRD!


I just finished going through the latest edition of a magazine that I received. I was laughing so hard at one of the features they had for the month and wanted to share this with you along with pictures. In order not to violate any copyright laws, the wording will be changed to protect the innocent. (Me!) Enjoy.

1. You don’t hang from anything!

Hang in There

Don’t you humans know that curtains are fun to hang from? Or anything else for that matter!

2. You don’t race around the house at odd hours.

The fun is finding out where you finally end up before you lie down to rest! It’s always a surprise.

3. You don’t sleep all day long.

Mission Get Out of Bed

Ruins the Day

There’s no sense in getting up if you don’t feel like it! We need our 15-16 hours of sleep. Humans spend too much  time and energy in worrying about everyday things. Just relax and be cool.

4. You don’t hack up hairballs or anything else.

I Don't Always Eat Spiders

Was That Your Shoe

Come on, what’s wrong with that. No big deal. If you have to get rid of something, you just do it. Which brings me to my next point. When you barf, you always have to do it in that big white bowl. Geez! You don’t barf on anything like chenille, silk, cashmere, or a sweater left on the floor. In fact, you don’t barf on ANYTHING good!

5. Some of you don’t raise chickens.

A Wild McNugget

Most of you don’t even pluck your own chickens or traffic in chickens in any way. Hummm, chicken sounds pretty good right now!

6. You don’t have cardboard box furniture.

7. You don’t stare at anything.

Fascinated by Nothing

What Are We Looking At

 Don’t you know that you have to keep staring because you might miss something!

8. You don’t play with packages that come in the mail.

Wrong Color

You don’t stand or sit on them. You don’t even squat in them. You don’t do anything except open them. What kind of weirdness is that?

9. You don’t use the couch as a play toy.

Spoil Sport

Don’t you know that’s what couches are for? As a side note, they’re great for clawing and sharpening your nails!

10. You don’t leave food on pillows or inside of shoes.

I Has a Car

11. You don’t understand the complexities of inside/outside.

I Was Looking Outside

12.  You don’t bite ankles.

Zombie Cats

But, zombie cats do bite ankles to get to the brains. You don’t bite your friend’s ankles or even your enemy’s ankles. Is that any way to play?

The magazine gave 48 reasons in all; I combined some of them. Didn’t have pictures for everything, so I chose the cutest ones I could find. Hope you enjoyed it!


Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1604588667