I Has A Bug!


Seems like everybody I know has been catching the crud that’s been going around. Knock on wood, I have been fine so far. But I wondered about my cats since they seem like they don’t have much energy lately. Maybe they’re trying to tell me something. This is their normal routine.


But this is the way that they’re acting.

I Haz A Bug

Oh, I see your bug!

But what about this? I don’t see a bug on Kirby.

I Have the Dumb

So you’re telling me that one of you is sick and one is dumb. Very interesting! Wonder what these furry friends are going to say about themselves.

Can't Get Out of Bed

He Does This


You know what? I think you guys are just trying to make me feel sorry for you. Is this what happened?

Poor Muffin

I don’t believe that. I think you’re all being lazy!


Ahhh, now we’re finally getting to the heart of the problem. Guess you’re just being cats after all.

You're A Cat

Do you have some comments about the funny things that your cat does? We’d love to hear them. Please share.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1604588667

Weird and Bizarre Cat Days


I do a newsletter for my church and send it out once a month. I started posted some of the weird and bizarre holidays for each month. Some of them are real crazy!! A lot of them revolve around food, like National Peanut Butter Cookie Day, and some are just plain silly, like Make Your Bed Day (isn’t that everyday?) or Be Late For Something Day. (Some people are always late) Anyway it gave me an idea for the blog. Here’s the weird days for this last week. Let’s see how our furry friends handle them.

Last Saturday, the 13th, was Positive Thinking Day. One look at this guy and you couldn’t help but do that!

Remember to Smile

Sunday was National Cream Filled Donut Day (Yum!!) This one wants his delivered.

Go Buy Something

Monday was Make A Hat Day. I think she had some help with hers.

Cute Bonnet

Tuesday was Collect Rocks Day (See what I mean about being silly) This cat passed on the rocks; he likes fish instead.


Wednesday was Citizenship Day. (Now that one makes sense!) You’re being a good citizen when you’re kind and helping someone else.

Every Cat Must Have Its Own Dog

Thursday was National Cheeseburger Day. (That’s another yum!) This little kitty made you a cookie because he wanted to trade it for your cheeseburger. (Sneaky little devil) However, you waited too long and he was too hungry.

I Made You a Cookie

Friday was Talk Like A Pirate Day. Couldn’t find any pirates, but found the Three Musketeers. That’s going to have to be close enough. However, they have the wrong day. Silly cats!

All For One and One For All

And finally, today is International Eat An Apple Day. Evidently the baby and/or the parents didn’t know that.

Watched Another Zombie Movie

Oh, well, such is life!! How did you do with this week’s weird and bizarre holidays? Like I said, some of them are pretty silly! Any comments to share about whether you liked this or not?

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1604588667