Mother, May I?


It is now the month of May. Saw a wish the other day on Facebook for a happy May Day which reminded me of a game we used to play as kids called Mother, May I? That gave me the idea for this week’s blog. Hope you enjoy.

Mother, may I go play with my bird friends?

Mother, may I talk to my friend, Tommy?

Mother, may I have some tuna?

Mother, may I tell the teacher how much I like her?

Mother, may  I be Supercat?

Mother, may I help you make the bed?

Mother, may I sit down?

Mother, may I find a place to cool down?

Mother, may I sharpen my claws?

My, these cats are just full of questions. Maybe the most important one is Mother, may I count on you to protect me?

That’s enough questions for today. See you next week.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Cat Version of March Madness


It’s that time of year again when basketball fans are so excited to see who ends up in the Final Four and who goes on to win it all. Cats don’t really care, but they do consider the following things as MADNESS!

Being obedient

Lack of attention

Things hoomans do

Not catching birds

Having a dog around

 Not enough time to relax
Finding hidden toys
Having to explain themselves
Getting lost
Being dressed up

So I guess we all have our version of madness. Mine is going through withdrawal when football season is over. What’s yours?




Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

6 Reasons YOU Should Be a Cat


Right now my boys have it pretty good! They don’t have to worry about fixing a leaky basement, watering the yard, taking care of the plants, cooking, etc. Summer is such a busy time around here because I have a HUGE back yard. Even when my mother was alive, it was up to me since she was in her 90’s and not really able to keep up with it. Don’t mind it, but it’s hard to get back in gear after not doing anything all winter. Found a picture I liked about being a cat so will share with you.

1. Free Food

Hey, free is good. Too bad the grocery store doesn’t think so!

Please, Dear Lord

Lord's Prayer

Snooze Button

2. Free Rent

No house payments, taxes, and insurance to think about either!

High Rise Apartment


Spare Cats

3.  Sleep As Long As You Want To

Would love to sleep in more some days, but always wake up early. Darn!

I Like Mornings Better

What is This Morning That You Speak Of

My Nap Runneth Over

 4. Look Great With No Effort

Don’t have to spend any time making yourself look good.

Norwegian Forest Cat (2)

Gorgeous Siamese

Ridiculously Cute

5. Toes Look Like Beans

Don’t know if this is a pressing reason to be a cat, but it’s an interesting concept.

Feline Anatomy

Thumbs Up

6. License To Kill

To Kill a Mockingbird

Dis Channel

Bugged Kitty

Based on these six reasons, would you like to be a cat? I definitely like the first four reasons. Not too sure about number five and definitely not number six. Let us hear from you. In review, here are six reasons to be a cat.

Be a Cat

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Good Human Imitation


Oliver was his name; imitation was his game. Or, at least, he thought so! His human family thought he was pretty funny, but they didn’t realize what he was trying to do. He thought about all the animals he had ever seen in books or on the TV and thought he could imitate them. He tried being a tiger, an alligator, a horse. Nothing worked. Of course, he loved birds, but he couldn’t do that either.

He tried being like a tiger since they were his ancestors. But, instead of a big ROAR, the only thing that came out of his mouth was a little squeak. He couldn’t scare anything with that, so he tried to be an alligator. Nope, his nose wasn’t long enough. He could hop around on all fours and pretend to be a bird, but he couldn’t fly. He would have loved to have been a horse, but he was too little for someone to ride. Me, oh my! What was poor Oliver to do. He didn’t want to just lie around and be a typical cat.

Then, he had a brilliant idea! He had the thing he could imitate in front of him everyday! This was perfect. Why hadn’t he thought of this before? Now this he could do very well.

Good Imitation

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

RIP, Cecil


The killing of Cecil, the lion, just broke my heart. I know big-game hunting has been going on for years, but that doesn’t make it right. He was a cherished “pet” for many people. Someone in a group that I belong to said, “Why is everybody so upset over a lion when there are homeless people to worry about, etc.” That’s not the point! Guess I’m what she calls an animal activist. And proud of it, by the way. I would much rather live in a world that looks like this. (Without the snow.)

My New Friend

Here are some more pictures of horses and cats. Cute videos!

New Friend

Now that’s a rare combination indeed! Click here to watch videos of birds who preen, wake up, and play with their best cat.

Uh, Meow

Dogs and cats don’t get along? That’s sometimes true. But watch this

When you think of anxiety, you think it’s a human condition. However, it also affects animals. Here is a heart-warming video of a dog and a cat showing the value of friendship

Rainbow Wall of Happiness

I guess I’m like this kitty. I just wish this world was happier. We can all contribute to that with one positive thought, one act of kindness at a time. Hope you enjoyed all the videos and pictures of animals interacting with each other. Please share your thoughts about Cecil. Till next week, thanks for reading.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.


WHAT Do I Feed My Cat?


I’ve touched on this subject before. However, I’ve read new information which has caused me to rethink about how I’m feeding my own two cats. For years, it was only dry food and water for several reasons. The main reason is the fact that the older one wouldn’t eat very much wet food; the younger one tried to bury it!!!!! Ended up throwing most of it away, so I stuck with the dry food. It also helps to keep their teeth clean.

Brushing Teeth

We look at our cats peacefully sleeping on our laps or in their favorite spot and envision them as warm, cuddly, and affectionate. Biologically, they are actually lean, mean, killing machines because of their strong agile bodies with lightning reflexes, stealthy silent gait, razor sharp claws, long canine teeth, excellent night vision, highly attuned hearing and a superior sense of smell. We don’t like to think of them that way, do we? They can bring so much joy to our lives.

Taking a Nap

Raw and live prey animal cat food diets are potentially very biologically appropriate. This can be very time-consuming and hard to do in your own home. Commercially prepared cat foods are heavy on the carbohydrates which cats DO NOT need. What’s an owner to do?

Add More Tuna

Cats are carnivores which means they get their energy mainly from animal tissue. Commercial cat food does contain protein, but not all protein is created equal. Cats need a meat-based protein, not a protein from vegetables or cereals. Have you ever seen a cat stalk a vegetable? No, I didn’t think so. A cat’s natural diet does not contain a lot of carbohydrates, so they have a reduced ability to digest them. When you’re choosing what to feed your cat, always remember to consider the quality of the ingredients and the sources of protein.

Not Even If You Paid Me

Along this same vein of thought is an interesting article “Finicky cats” diet led to their mass extinction 12,000 years ago. Out of the six species of large cats that roamed the plains and forests of North America, only two-the cougar and jaguar-survived. Click on the link to read the article.

Since you’ve never seen a cat stalk a vegetable, you’ve probably never seen a wild cat milk a cow. What???? The idea that adult cats need milk is a myth. Adult cats do not need milk; kittens need their mother’s milk, not cow’s milk. Most adult cats are lactose intolerant and can’t digest it. Remember that cats are carnivores, and live on meat that provides a nutritional diet with sufficient vitamins and minerals. As for the milk, they should be drinking water instead. Some cat owners claim they have given their cats milk for years with no side effects, but these may be exceptions to the rule.

Tuna Disposal

A month ago, I tried the wet food with my cats again. Oh, my gosh, they love it! Couldn’t believe my eyes. Now that they’re getting this several times a week, they’re slimming down and have more energy. I am one happy lady!

I'm a Dangerous Tiger

Have you experimented with different foods for your cat(s). What have you discovered about their behavior and weight?

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

YOU Don’t Like Cats? Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, you tell me that you don’t like cats. I find that very strange. Cats are THE THING on the Internet nowadays. You can’t get away from the thousands of pictures posted everyday. Cat videos rake in millions of views per year. How could you not fall in love with this?

Flower Cat

However, according to an article I just read, there are historic and scientific reasons for your disinterest in all things feline. Just like for all those cilantro haters (um, I’m one of those) out there, sometimes there are reasons beyond your control for hating something everyone else seems to love. (Not that we cat lovers would EVER understand that, but I guess we can try.)

Studies show that some people have a psychological disposition towards cats. It seems that cat lovers are psychologically different than canine lovers. Well, that poses a problem. If I like both, does that mean that part of me is psychologically different than another part? I could end up being very confused! Guess I’ll figure that out later. According to the research, “dog people were generally about 15% more extroverted and 13% more agreeable”. These figures point to slight differences in personality, giving the cat haters the more outgoing personality. It further distinguishes between the types of people: “Dog people were 11% more conscientious  than cat people. Conscientiousness is a tendency to show self-discipline,  to complete tasks and aim for achievement. The trait shows a preference for planned rather than spontaneous behavior.” (This must mean that I’m an outgoing introvert that likes planned spontaneous behavior)???


Yes, cats are more likely to cause allergic reactions than dogs. Some people can’t handle that at all, even with medication. I take allergy shots because I’m not about to give up my cats. Cats in the ancient Egyptian culture were treated as demi-gods, but Medieval Europe regarded them as a source of the plague. (You just can’t please everyone) They’ve always been considered predators which is okay as far as rats and mice, but not with birds. Some species have been eliminated entirely because of feral cats.

I Love My Feather

You may not like cats, you may hate cats, but they really don’t care! For example, you have cats with the same attitude as Grumpy Cat.

I Don't Trust People

Sometimes I Wish I Was an Octopus

The Problem With Some People

Okay, Grumpy Cat, that’s enough of your negative attitude. That certainly won’t change people’s minds about liking cats. In the meantime, us cat lovers will enjoy our delightful little creatures and look forward to the time spent with them.

Beautiful Markings

Glad to Meet You

As for people who hate cats:

Cats Rule the World

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.