Close to the Beach


Time for another original story. Enjoy!!

When Cuddles was a kitten, his mama would always tell him that the world was a big place. There were so many places to go and things to explore! The more she talked about it, the more excited Cuddles became. He could hardly wait to go see what it was all about. To him, it seemed to take forever to get big enough to get out of box where he was born. His mama told him that was just the first step. He would have to get a lot bigger to be able to go outside.

While Cuddles waited to get bigger, his mama would tell him about some of the places she had seen in the books that the humans left lying around. So many pretty pictures to look at and dream about. Her favorite picture was of something the humans called a “beach”. All that sand made it seem like one giant litter box! How much fun would it be playing in that! There was a lot of water in the picture also, but Mama didn’t really care for that. She just wanted to be on the sand.

One day the humans started talking about going to this beach. Wow! Cuddles and Mama were really excited about finally being able to see this place. Everybody in the family was busy packing and getting things ready. However, no one got anything ready for the cats. The cats started to worry that they might not be going after all. Sure enough, the family left without them. Cuddles and Mama were so disappointed! There was another human in the house to take care of them, but that didn’t make them any happier. Cuddles finally decided:

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Happy Thanksgiving!


We’re starting into that busy time of year again; Thanksgiving, Black Friday, cards, presents, decorations, etc. Today I’d like to share some of the things that I am thankful for. Yes, some of them will be funny. On a serious note, I am grateful that my mother is still with us at the age of 95. My sons and their families are close and doing well. My seventh great-grandchild will be a year old in December. Our health is good, and we look forward to many things. Kirby and Sammy are a blessing and such good companions. Well, most of the time anyway! And last, but NOT least, I am very thankful for all of you who read my blog!


Just Lookin

Now, lets go through a Thanksgiving day and see how our pets can help us enjoy it even more. First of all, you need to get up early to start the turkey. If you don’t get up early enough, you might find this!

We Fed Ourselves

Regardless of what time I get up, I usually have to start my morning out with coffee. Lots of it.

Ai Need Coffee

You will be making other things for dinner besides the turkey, but there’s one thing every recipe calls for.

A Cup of Cat

Some of you like to “dress up” for the holidays, but I guarantee that your kitty cat will outdo you every time!

I Didn't Brush My Hair This Morning

I'm Sexy As Hell

Your pets can be a source of entertainment when guests arrive. Not everyone might appreciate it, however.
Can I Play For You
Dats a Moray
If you get tired from all the preparation, someone will be there to help you get through it .
Need A Cuddle
You certainly want your pets to mind their manners when there are guests in the house. That’s not always easy though!
Do Not Ask Why Box Barks
Wait Until He Starts Walking
After all the excitement of the day, you may find that your pets will be ready for a nap wherever they happen to be.
The Nap Attacked
Tired 3

Wishing all of you a very happy Thanksgiving Day with family and friends. Let us know some of your favorite things to do on this special day! Or what your pet does! Some of that can be pretty funny.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.